5 advantages of using 360º virtual tours for real estate

Written by Floorfy | May 19, 2021 1:01:07 PM


Since technology hit the real estate world, agencies have continued to investigate new ways in facilitating their relationships with clients. On this occasion, we will focus on highlighting 5 advantages of 360º virtual tours that allow us to improve the sales ratios of real estate agencies.

360º virtual tours allow the user to be placed virtually into the property. These tours are made up of images with a spherical vision of any space that is displayed at the user’s will, leaving it to them to take the reins of their virtual visit.

This experience is created thanks to a camera that rotates by itself and captures images from each corner of the room. The allows us to have access to specific details and to be able to move around the rooms.

Incorporating and offering this experience to our clients will serve as a tool to save many face-to-face visits that later turn out to be unproductive, finding the property that everyone is looking for in less time and, consequently, improving the general user experience.

If you still remain unconvinced, it is time to know the advantages of virtual visits.


5 advantages of 360º virtual tours


For any real estate company, a 360º virtual tour becomes a very powerful marketing tool. It allows potential customers the opportunity to view the space and even the items for sale without having to move.

Below we explain everything that your company will gain by using this tool:

  • Increase the duration of webpage visits

This type of visit cannot be compared to 2D images, since they offer much more to the client. It increases the user’s browsing time on the web and it is easier to get a lead interested in the home than when we only show content that is not interactive.

  • Virtual reality is a new, innovative technology 

By including fresh solutions in our services, we project a modern image to the client who sees us as a company that invests in its own growth and generates trust.

  • Increases sales rates

When customers experience virtual tours and are offered the necessary information, they are much more likely to speed up the decision and opt to see the apartments that are most attractive to them.

  • It is a strategic communication tool

Since we position our agency above the competition , not only when it comes to reaching the end customer but also when capturing properties on the internet portals themselves, it improves our reach and positioning in the market.

  • The visual impact

These virtual tours have a great aesthetic and atmospheric appeal for users and potential customers.

If we have convinced you, learn more about the software options that Floorfy has at your disposal. Find out how it works and request a demo without further obligations.


Image from shadowfirehearts via pixabay.com